
Uncommon Sense

This is inspired by a talk from Derek Sivers called Uncommon sense

Why are you doing?

Know Why are you doing? What you ar doing?

Question Yourself, are you falling prone to social norms?

Deathbed regret:

You pursued something that someone said you should want, instead of what you really want. (always need to remember)

What do you want?

  • Money?
  • Freedom?
  • Prestige?
  • Legacy?
  • Choose what you are most into and let go of the others, know what matters to you the most. There might be side effects.

  • Actors = optimised for fame
  • Trump = legacy
  • Producers of movies = money
  • Freedom = Refuse responsibility and delegate everything

    Noboy knows the future.

    Everybody is trying to know the futures.

    Instead, do not commit to the idea but to the problem. No business plan survives first contact with the customer.

    “Nobody knows.” Ask instead of answer, Learn instead of preach How does your business work? Say idk I got a plan but nobody cares.


    They only call I revolution when you succed.

    Everybody says they will revelutionise everything Revelution is not war and blood its just serving people better. Revolution = serving people better

    If its not a hit switch

    It shouldn’t be a uphill battel

    CD baby no uphill battel

    If people arent loving what you are doing STOP, Don’t persist don’t push it

    When you have got something great, youll know,They’ll be freaking out

    Success comes from peristently improving and inventing, NOT persistently pushing whats not working

    "Even elephants are born small"

    Reid Hoffman "If you are not launching too soon, you are launching too late"

    Ideas vs Execution

    Its not just ideas aswell execution

    Ideas don’t really matter


    Most succesfull ideas CD baby

  • Answering the phone
  • Humanize as much as possible
  • Request anything (everything)
  • Peole remember you more for the little ways you make them smile than all the other tech/biz/marketing stuff you do.

    So unusual (remarkable) that everyone tells their friends. Be shockingly unique, use uncommon sense

