
Small Spark, Big Idea

Often times, I hear other people saying that for them, it does not really make sense reading any biographies because there is just way too much stuff in there which won't help them and is just a waste of their time. I don't want to argue about if biographies are good to read or not; that's not the point. I want to talk about another idea. I have not always had this blog on this website; before that, every post was on Substack. But then I started to program this website and transferred all articles from the Substack to HTML. I think it is way more convenient to write like this. I'm basically not dependent on anyone or anything; I just start to write, and if I want to, I can push them to the website. This idea did not come to me like that; I actually read a blog post by Derek Sivers about just writing on plain text which inspired me.

There are several arguments about not writing on any platforms, but I will just go into one which talks about the illusion of programs like Evernote or ShoveBox which promise you to just throw your data in there and they will structure it and you can search for them. And I noticed that these softwares do a lot of things really poorly; they are poor text editors, poor calendars, poor address books, poor bookmarks. So I want to use something which does one thing really well, and that's what I try to accomplish with writing my notes or blogs here in HTML. I'm trying to structure my data now on my own instead of throwing them into these programs and then letting the program try to structure it, and I get a poor result.

But this is not the point of this post. The point is that I only read this small blog post I think 2 days ago, thought it was a great idea, and then for the next 2 days worked on this website and wrote everything into HTML. And I noticed this is often the case. So even this small spark of an idea can give me a big idea which will give me a huge payoff in the future. Your win rate of finding these gems might not be high, but the reward can be huge, and you can only make your win rate higher by increasing the number of different things you are open to and experience.


