

This post is all about focus and how to achieve it, based on my own experience and others. Let's first discuss the time we have to focus, as it's often the aspect that receives the most attention but is also the one we have the least influence over. We have to sleep. We have to go to work. We have to socialize. So let's concentrate on focusing and how to use our time most efficiently. The visual below illustrates what I'm talking about; it's not only about time.



People underestimate how much their diet actually influences their work: what, when, and how much you eat. Your energy should be focused on your work, this won't happen if your body is focusing its energy on digesting food, especially food high in carbs. You need to keep your insulin levels low when working. Don't eat rice, pasta, or any fruit. You can even combine this with intermittent fasting, where you only start eating at, let's say, 1 pm, maintaining a ratio of not eating for 16 hours and eating for 9 hours. There are a lot of studies supporting this: either work or digest, both don't do both.


Your brain operates at different wavelengths. As neurons fire, the brain produces waves that oscillate at various frequencies. You'll experience a different wavelength when meditating (a calmer one) than when playing a video game (more chaotic). It's challenging for the brain to switch wavelengths, whether from calm to chaotic or chaotic to calm. That's why you can't learn as efficiently if you start by playing video games or watching YouTube. Similarly, transitioning from a calm state to chaos doesn't work well. However, this scenario probably isn't the case very often because you're rarely in a calm state; you wake up, grab your phone, listen to music while working—always chaos.


Back in the day, external stimuli were necessary; for example, if a lion jumped out of a bush, we would react immediately. This was a protective mechanism. Now, if you're sitting in your room, no lion will suddenly appear, triggering that stimulus. In today's world, you stimulate your system with the things seen below. This will create a chaotic wavelength.


You need to use the morning to set the right wavelength. Your brain is not designed to transition directly from 10 stimuli to focused work; this doesn't work. Focus on avoiding chaotic wavelengths before and during your work



It is completely impossible not to get distracted, but what you could and should do is write down when and how you get distracted. So, take a piece of paper or a notebook and place it next to your workplace. Each time you get distracted, write down how it happened. Over time, you will be able to avoid these distractions.

Use meditation to improve focus, and don't give up by saying, 'this is not for me.' Of course, it will be hard; what do you expect when your main attention is on TikToks or Instagram Reels? Take 20 minutes, close your eyes, use noise-canceling headphones, or find a quiet spot. Sit in a relaxed position, ensuring you don't fall asleep. Then, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, focusing on the sensation of the air passing. When thoughts arise, acknowledge them and let them go; don't get angry. In the beginning, this may happen often, giving you insight into your attention span, but constant readjustment will rewire your brain. Unity of Focus is the calculation above equals how quickly you acknowledge distraction and return to your breath or whatever you are doing. It will take time.

All or Nothing

You need to have this focus in every area of your life. Don't watch Netflix and be on your phone simultaneously. Don't skip songs all the time. Don't have 100 tabs open. Try to single-task, not multitask. If you do that, it will have an effect on your work.


You need to create the right environment; environment is way more powerful than willpower. I try to remove everything that can distract me as much as possible. It's not about trying to control the feeling; it's about building the right environment. Below, you can see how my browser looks: No distractions, just clean only 4 tabs open max with blocking most of social media. YOU HAVE TO TAKE IT TO THE EXTREME


In the following weeks i will tell you how all those point have an effect on my focus, i will aswell try to quantify this

